This week in Springfield…I mean Fort Mac, the Podcast Crew talk about our first real taste of a mass emergency post-wildfire as well as the mob mentality when our one movie theatre can’t make popcorn.  

Special Episode – CineFiles 28 (Logan)

  *WARNING* FOR GEEKS ONLY Prepare to have your heart strings SNIKT as the Podcast Crew talk about one of the greatest comic book movies of all-time, LOGAN!    

Episode 138 – Don’t Be A Puppet

  The Podcast Crew has some advice for anyone that wants to put their hat into the upcoming Municipal Election along with some movie and Oscar talk!  

Episode 136 – You’ll Never Believe What Really Happened in 2016…Number 7 will shock you!

  The Podcast Crew finds out if 2016 was really as bad as what people say…

Special Episode – CineFiles 27 (Rogue One)

  *WARNING* FOR GEEKS ONLY The Podcast Crew (along with John Boland) celebrate the fact that it’s just not Christmas without a Star Wars movie these days as they share their thoughts on the latest flick!