Episode 63 – Your McMurray Magazine

  Toddske and Tito welcome Krista Balsom to the Dining Room Table to discuss the upcoming issue of Your McMurray Magazine as well as the last few weeks of events that happened in our region!  

Tales of Suspense – Planet X

You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of only your imagination. Your next stop…PLANET X!!!!

Episode 41 – Common Sense Hwy63

Toddske and Tito sit down solo for the first time in ages to discuss just what “Smart 63” really means and go deeper in to the “Save the Arts” debate !

Episode 40 – Save The Arts!

Tito returns for a full show with Toddske as they sit down with Steve Reeve, Stacey Annie and Ashley to cover some other tragedies occurring in Fort Mac lately!