Red State for Oscar

“I hate the wickedness in America…and all the sin worshipers who populate it. Rampant Fornication…Adultery…Abortion, flagrant sexuality in every corner of the media, movies, TV etc. Schools, Malls, Books, Toys, Music…everywhere…eeevvverrrryyywhhhherrreeee…” I know what people are going to say…Toddske is just a fanboy that wants to see a movie from … READ MORE

Episode 22 – The Twitter Dick

Toddske explains why he’s a dick on Twitter while weighing in on the Fly In/Fly Out issue and Tito announces our next event for Fort Mac!

Episode 21 – A Somber Victory

Toddske and Tito get Audible with Sound Obsessions!! WHAT IS #OCT28YMM??? YMM Podcast

Episode 19 – They Call Him the Creep

Toddske creeps on some special guests that get Pynchie on a Kiwinadian Moments Later!! The bad uncomfortable jokes run wild in this episode that was recorded a few months ago! YMM Podcast