Special Episode – CineFiles 13 (2013 Summer Movie Preview)
*WARNING* FOR GEEKS ONLY – the CineFiles place their bets on which movie will make the most $$$ over the summer!
*WARNING* FOR GEEKS ONLY – the CineFiles place their bets on which movie will make the most $$$ over the summer!
Ashcakesquiggle and Stacey Annie retake the Dining Room Table Studios with some Special Guests to give a women’s perspective on the Do’s and Don’ts of Valentine’s Day!
The estrogen is dripping off the walls in the Dining Room Table Studio as Ashcake and Stacey discuss their recent Passion Party!
Ashcakesquiggle retakes the Dining Room Table Studios with Stacey and Amanda to get down with 50 Shades of Grey, online dating and spray tanning with Bronzed Beauty! (the Audio had to be rescued for this as idiot Toddske screwed up the recording!)
From the Super Secret Bunker, Toddske is joined by Steve Reeve, Ashley St. Croix (Organizer of the Twin 63 Movement), Ashcakes and the Fort McMurray – Wood Buffalo MLA Mike Allen to discuss how we are going to make Highway 63 safer as a community! (Recorded from the Live Stream … READ MORE