NightFlix – interPLAY 2013


During the warm summer nights of interPLAY 2013, the Fort McMurray Filmmakers Association will be hosting NightFlix: Movie in the Park! We will be watching some Hollywood Blockbusters late into the night on the outdoor screen which will be FREE to attend for everyone!


We will be located in Doug MacRae Park (at Keyano College, on the northwest side of the Purple Palace). Start time for all 3 nights is 11:30pm!


Thursday, August 8 2013 – Jurassic Park

Friday, August 9 2013 – The Shawshank Redemption

Saturday, August 10 2013 – Forrest Gump


Program will include the feature film plus highlights from the 2013 intePLAY Film Festival!

We will be selling snacks and pop to support the YMMFMA!

Nightflix - phase 6 ammended

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