Episode 118 – A Little Early, A Little Late

  The Podcast Crew (with Brodie and Misty) debate whats more disruptive, being 15-minutes early or 15-minutes late; along with the Thunderstruck Improv group, more CineCoup whining and crowdfunding projects as well as a discussion about robot trucks in the Oilsands!  

Episode 117 – Triggered (used ironically)

  The Podcast Crew (plus the lovely Cecily) discuss this stupid “Diner en Blanc” thing, how people don’t actually break car windows to free dogs as well as try REALLY hard to find something positive in what seems to be doom and gloom Wood Buffalo lately.    

Episode 115 – UberTim (CineCoup 2015)

  The Podcast Crew sit down with #UberTim, one of the dedicated fans in the 2015 CineCoup Film Accelerator that has been rating, sharing and commenting on every project. Hear his thoughts on the teams, the competition as well as how important the arts are to Canadian communities! Vote and … READ MORE