Special Episode – SDCC 2015 Three
The Podcast Crew are back in Fort McMurray and bring you through the hallowed tales of their Comic-Con misadventure! Episode brought to you by Roam Mobility #RoamFreeUSA
The Podcast Crew are back in Fort McMurray and bring you through the hallowed tales of their Comic-Con misadventure! Episode brought to you by Roam Mobility #RoamFreeUSA
Steve Reeve makes your acquaintance and talks comedy in Fort McMurray, recent inspiration, and about how there’s no wrong way create or consume the creations of others. Music: “Halfway Home” by Rekuiem, “Summer” by Blubeque116. Thank you!
Matt Salem serves as host and Game Master as Tito, Meg, Ash, and Steve play through a campaign like no other… This one’s a GameChanger. Music: “Losing Battle” by BrianSadler, “Nomad” by Jassummisko. Thank you!
The Podcast Crew discuss a typical Thursday at Comic-Con 2015 filled with panels, celebrity sightings and half-naked women! Episode brought to you by Roam Mobility #RoamFreeUSA
The Podcast Crew (Toddske, Tito, Stacey, Steve and Matt) discuss their road trips to San Diego as well as Preview Night of Comic-Con 2015! Episode brought to you by Roam Mobility