Episode 30 – winterPLAY Cometh!
Tito ducks out again as Toddske podcasturbates with Pynchie (@jkpynch) and Steve Reeve (@Steve_Reeve) about some major upcoming events happening in Fort Mac and around the world! YMM Podcast
Tito ducks out again as Toddske podcasturbates with Pynchie (@jkpynch) and Steve Reeve (@Steve_Reeve) about some major upcoming events happening in Fort Mac and around the world! YMM Podcast
Toddske, Tito and Theresa (@McMurrayMusings) welcomes very special guest, Alyssa, to hear her tales of life in Wise County, Virginia (USA) as we found out that Fort McMurray is not alone in the crusade against negative stereotypes! YMM Podcast
Yes! It’s your friendly neighbourhood Traffic Reporter coming to you live from somewhere over northern Alberta… But seriously, it’s an honour to join Toddske and Tito on the ymmpodcast as an official field correspondent. From here on in, I shall be bringing you not only the view from inside … READ MORE
Toddske depresses the shit out of Tito as he recalls his horrible Holiday season. Welcome to 2012! YMM Podcast
All my life I’ve been the bigger guy, and to be honest, it’s something that’s never really bothered me. It’s never been something that’s made me depressed, self-conscious, or put me at any sort of disadvantage, at least not from my perspective. I’ve always remained confident in myself but also … READ MORE