Special Episode – CineFiles 14 (The State of TV Address) By toddske | April 4, 2013 - 14:19 |April 12, 2013 podcast *WARNING* FOR GEEKS ONLY – the CineFiles discuss the state of television in an age of video-on-demand! Tagged ABC Network, Abed, AMC, Archer, Ashcake, Avengers, Better Off Ted, Breaking Bad, Captial City, Cartman, CBS Network, Chris Claremont, Chris Farley, CineFiles, Comic-Book Men, Community, Conan, Conan O'Brien, Dan Harmon, Don Draper, Edmonton Expo, Facebook, Family Guy, fort mcmurray, Global TV, Hell on Wheels, Homer Simpson's, House of Cards, Iron Man 3, ISIS, JJ Abrams, Joss Whedon, Kevin Spacey, Last Resort, Life and Times of Tim, Lost, Mad Men, Mash, Mix 103.7, Mr. Plow, Nelson Boxes, Nelson Ratins, Netflix, Nolan Hawkeness, Parks and Rec, Podcast, Robert Kirkman, Rock 979, Saturday Night Live, Seth MacFarlene, Shaw, Shaw Cable, Shaw on Demand, Simpsons, SNL, SoundCloud, South Park, Star Trek Into Darkness, Sterling Archer, Steve Reeve, Summer Movies, The Walking Dead, Tito, Toddske, Troy, Troy and Abed, TV, Twitter, Video-On-Demand, VOD, Walkers, Will Farrell, ymm, YMM Podcast, Zombies. Bookmark the permalink.