Fort McMurray Feelings – Community Book Project


If you’re like me, then you must be sick of all these “Drive-By” Journalists that have been coming to the Wood Buffalo region, spending a few days THINKING they are getting the full story about Fort McMurray, then writing some negative news articles about our beautiful city filled with only half truths! Well, the time has come for us to lay down some truth of our own! If you lived outside our community, who you would rather listen to; some magazine article that only spent a few hours in the area or an actual resident who calls this place home?

Theresa Wells (blogger behind McMurray Musings), Roddy Cross (author of DEAD COLD) and I have joined forces to develop a book that would be available to anyone and everyone with stories BY the residents of Wood Buffalo both past and present! That’s right, we want YOU to write this book!

We are looking for members of the community to submit their thoughts, feelings, opinions, experiences…basically anything they want in regards to this region. Only requirements is that you either live or have lived in the area at one point or another; and of course, the article must be in good taste. We will take essays, articles, pictures, poems and puns! If you want to write about a bad experience you had in the region, just back it up with some history and possible facts. The only thing we won’t accept is idiotic writings like “Fort McMurray Sucks cause there is no women!”.

Got an idea? Want to contribute? Get in touch with us:


TWITTER = @ymmfeelings

FACEBOOK = Fort McMurray Feelings

Get in contact with us and we will help you in any way possible to get your feelings into this book. We can help with writing, editing or even drawing!

Help us change the perception of Fort McMurray! Help us tell the truth about our region!

For further information on the project, check out this McMurray Musings Blog Post.

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One Response to Fort McMurray Feelings – Community Book Project

  1. Carmen Wells says:

    I think this is a wonderful idea! I would be very interested in participating in this; I write a very casual blog, as well as post paintings and drawings that I am working on. I am also currently working on creating a local art collective. Let me know what I can do to help, and I would also be willing to submit some writing, or even some artwork 🙂

    Thank You,

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