The #Toddske Twitter Food Bank Challenge

I’ve said it before during FILM FEAR; as much good as the Food Bank does during the whole year, it’s during the Holiday Season that they are often used the most. Every family deserves to have a nice meal come Christmas Day with the emphasis focused on having family and friends getting together to share the finer moments of the Holidays. The Food Bank shines during this time of year with their goal to ensure that every man, women and child in the Wood Buffalo Region is fed!!

Yesterday (December 1), the Fort McMurray Food Bank, in conjunction with local radio stations Country 93.3/Rock 97.9, held it’s Corporate Challenge. The purpose of the event was to challenge Corporations in the Wood Buffalo area to donation money to the Food Bank. What usually ensues is various “challenges” put forth to various groups to have them meet or exceed a certain donation, whether they are individuals, groups, or in fact, corporations/companies.

It all started at about 6pm with Eric (@TwentyNineYears) challenging all the #YMM (Fort McMurray) Twitter users to donate $20 toward this cause. Some people chimed right in to match his challenge and since I believe so much in the Food Bank, I offered to donate $50. Now for those that follow me on Twitter, they know I tend to use the #Toddske hashtag as a joke most of the time when I refer to myself in the 3rd Person, especially since several years ago people said I wasn’t allowed to hashtag my own name. This is the conversation that ensued with Eric (@TwentyNineYears):



What followed was a very generous outpouring of various Twitter users (both local and non-Fort Mac residents) using the #Toddske hashtag to support a really great cause. It was touch and go there for awhile, especially since someone attempted to recruit Ashton Kutcher and his 8.5 million Twitter followers. It’s interesting to see when someone takes a generous, fun little challenge and tries to exploit it thinking that I would actually have to pay several million dollars due to all the re-tweets from celebrity fans that have ZERO interest in the cause and purpose of the donation (and society wonders why fine print and lawyers are needed for the simplest of things); but regardless I believe it was a fun little experiment that helped support a great organization in our community.

This morning I took a final tally of the #Toddske tweets by each different person. By my count, there were 72 different users that tweeted #Toddske and with my donation of $5 per user, gives a sum of $360.00 toward the Food Bank Corporate Challenge. In addition to the $360, I also said I would donate $50 for the #YMM Twitter Challenge (started by @TwentyNineYears) and will also include another $50 from the YMM Podcast. This brings the total to $460…but because I believe in this cause so much, especially this time of year:

I will donate $500 to the Fort McMurray Food Bank!

I take a large amount of pride being involved in a community that’s considered to be, “The Most Giving Community in Canada!” and yesterday we once again met that motto by raising over $200,000 dollar for the Food Bank. Once again, this city makes me proud! Look forward to more of these special Twitter Challenges in the future to support more of our local charities.

If you haven’t already signed-up, join the Twitter community by visiting and remember to always use the #YMM hashtag to see and be involved in the Fort McMurray/Wood Buffalo Twitter “Tweeps”. To donate to the Fort McMurray Food Bank at ANYTIME OF YEAR, visit them on Facebook, Twitter and on the web at

See Ya Next Set!



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