“People just do the strangest things when they believe they’re entitled….but they do even stranger things when they just plain believe…”

Our FILM FEAR event was held this past weekend in the Keyano Recital Theatre. To plan an event featuring your favorite genre of movies and to simply dress up/hang out with the amazingly cool crowd of Fort McMurray was truly a great feeling! With the motto that has always stuck with me about this town, “The Most Giving Community in Canada”, we once again went above and beyond. Together, we raised approximately 300lbs of food and over $200 for the Food Bank. The Holiday Season is fast approaching and this food/cash will no doubt assist this organization in helping those in need.

We want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone that came out, donated, and had a hell of a good time. The costumes were fantastic, the atmosphere was great and hopefully we can make this a yearly event for all of Fort Mac to enjoy. Another big thanks goes to Keyano Theatre for their great hospitality; without Keyano Theatre, there is no arts community! And when we say that FILM FEAR would not have happened without the good folks at Sound Obsessions, we are telling the truth. These guys helped made it all possible and we look forward to working with them again to bring you all the very best! The shit these guys can do is absolutely unbelievable. If you want home automation, electronic integration and basically some kick ass entertainment systems…these are your guys! They can literally take your house and turn it into a living, breathing creature that will slowly educate the other houses on the street which in turn will enslave humanity forever…..


Photo Credit @momentslater

Our stage presence may not be all that great…we may say stuff that some people don’t enjoy…but the fact remains, we absolutely LOVE doing this for all of you! Contributing to the indie movie scene in Fort McMurray is just the next step in the great arts movement of the North! I’ve said it a millions times before, so I’ll say it again; the YMM Podcast is here to stay and we have SO MUCH in store for you that “it’s not even fit…”


See you next set!

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