Episode 18 – 3 Girls 1 Toddske By toddske | August 16, 2011 - 11:34 |November 8, 2011 podcast Tito is out of town so Toddske gets to podcasturbate with three of Fort McMurray’s finest women…GIRL POWER! YMM Podcast Tagged Australia, Careers, Edmonton, Facebook, fort mcmurray, Highvoltage Housewife, Homicide, Hyperphotonic Media, Jason Mewes, Jeff Angel, Kevin Smith, Kids, Kim Krushell, Las Vegas Cinefest, McMurray Musings, Murder, New Zealand, Northern Workers, Parenting, Podcasturbation, SIR, Skype, Smodcast, Tito, Toddske, Twitter, ymm. Bookmark the permalink.
Glad you posted the link on the “You know your from Fort McMurray, Alberta if you remember…” Toddske…my Wife and I are now devoted listeners!