You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of only your imagination. Your next stop…PLANET X!!!!
Tales of Suspense – Planet X
Tagged Ashcake, Ashley, Avengers, Blake, Captain America, Ditka, fort mcmurray, Fort McMurray Arts, Hyperphotonic, Hyperphotonic Media, Iron Man, Marvel Comics, Naked Ladies, Parker, Planet X, Podcast Play, Radio Play, Rod Sterling, Rogers, Space Adventure, Spider-Man, Stacey Annie, Stan Lee, Star Trek, Stark, Steve Reeve, Tales of Suspense, Teleplay, The Twlight Zone, Theatre of the Mind, Thor, Tito, Toddske, ymm, YMM Arts, YMM Podcast. Bookmark the permalink.